The Who’s Who of Biohackers


  So, you want to dive deeper into biohacking but you don’t know where to start outside of this forum?  Well, there are many dimensions of wellbeing to the biohacking space (mental, physical, cellular, spiritual, etc) and for every biohacking angle there is a guru out there for you to learn from.  This is another list post with the goal of making it easier for you all to access the collective knowledge of all the experts in the space.  So, read through to the end and when you see someone whose specialty catches your eye, Google them or jump through the links to their pages and dive right in.  This is the who’s who of the top 30 influential names in biohacking.

There are many other biohackers out there for those of you who are interested in going even deeper down the rabbit hole.  The full list can be found in the link in the sources section below.  Most of my favorites are in the list above but, I also try to practice researching people and topics in the space that I may not have a natural interest in at first, because I know that if we only stick to what we already know and are interested in, we are shutting out a whole other dimension of learning that we could otherwise be enjoying.  

My challenge to you all is, go through the full list of influential hackers & try to read up on one every 1-2 days until you get through the full list.  It doesn’t mean you need to read all of their literature in one go, but the point is to give yourself a quick intro to as much of their knowledge as possible in the hope that this will spur further inspiration and action from you going forward.  So, good luck, have fun with the list, and until next time, biohackers…